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Explain the function of the marked entrance and ramp in the parking lot

2021-05-06 15:59:06  Click:

A lot of people are not very clear, also not very understand, the following Nanjing parking lot line Xiaobian for you to introduce in detail, the role of the parking lot line entrance and ramp:

1. Above the marked entrance and exit of the parking lot, there shall be speed limit, height limit, no noise, no fireworks signs, exit signs, entrance signs, and exit no-entry signs;

2, the entrance set speed belt to remind the driver to slow down;

3. The parking lot is lined with signs at the entrance to guide the entrance position of foreign vehicles;

4. Parking number indicator sign and vehicle exit indicator sign are hung above the entrance and exit passage to guide the driver to park position and exit direction;

5. Yellow border lines on both sides of the lane and white guide arrows on the ground guide the traffic;

6, the entrance and exit of both sides of the wall painted with yellow warning belt (0-110cm) to warn drivers on both sides of the wall;

7. Reflective spikes are set on both sides of the sidings to remind the driver to access the channel. When the vibration of the wheel is pressed on the spike, the driver is reminded not to overdrive.

8. Reflective guidance signs and reflective contour signs shall be set up on the walls of entrances and exits and on both sides of ramps to guide vehicles and warn them;

The above eight points, is the technical personnel of the parking lot line for you to explain, about the role of the parking lot line entrance and ramp, I hope to help you.


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