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There are three main factors that need to be considered in the design of parking lot line

2021-05-06 15:59:06  Click:

With the increasing number of motor vehicles, the marking of parking lots has become a topic of concern and discussion. According to many years of work experience, considering the specific environmental conditions of each parking lot, parking lot through more reasonable perfect organization, to achieve automatic traffic channel, vehicle parking is safe, convenient and orderly, facilitate management, control, improve business efficiency, the purpose of the design into a high efficiency when parking line should consider the following three main factors.

I. Safety

As a parking lot, there are frequent traffic and parking, so the safety of driving and parking is particularly important. For example, the marked corner surface or convex surface in the parking lot, add reflective protective corner; In the downhill and turning points, add speed bumps and convex mirrors; In the fan, fire cabinet and other equipment, add reflective protection column; In the parking space, add safety bar, so that the safety factor of the parking lot will be greatly improved.

Second, the material

The road paint recommended by the traffic management bureau is used to line the parking lot, the reflective film of engineering grade is used to make signs, and the national standard material is used to make metal components to ensure the quality of the traffic facilities in the parking lot. The traditional car yard only signs, line marking and other rigid facilities, to the owner of a very pale boring feeling, in the wall and supporting column add or embellish part of the landscape scenery and some personalized design, to inject new life to the parking lot line, give the owner a fresh and fresh feeling.

3. Reasonable liquidity

The design of the parking lot should be as simple and clear as possible, and the channel planning should avoid the crossing of vehicles as far as possible. At the same time, it should ensure that the vehicle is accessible in all directions as far as possible, that is, any vehicle entering the parking field can reach any parking space it wants to reach. The marking arrow of the parking lot is planned reasonably, and the indication signs are properly hung and fully configured to ensure clear, fast and effective driving routes.


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